Thursday, December 8, 2011

Pictures from above and touching down...

We have been in Guatemala for 5 days now and finally received access to the internet yesterday.  Katrina was quick to post a blog entry yesterday on our travel blog --> and she posted a video entry earlier today.  Now it is my turn to post some pictures that we took on the plane and 2 or 3 once we were on the ground.  Please keep in mind that Katrina's blog will be used to document our trip in detail whereas my blog will be used to display pictures of where we go.  We have taken a lot of pictures but here are the ones from our first day.  In the next day or two I would like to add another post with what we have seen this week (A gorgeous cathedral and the National Palace).

Katrina took some shots once it was annouced that we would be landing soon...

The people here really use all of the land that they can...this is a small town that is build on a mountain top

The land here is rugged and mountainous but you still see houses and villages everywhere

An aerial view of Guatemala City, the capital.  It is huge!!!

 Guatemala City is densely populated to say the least

Again, it's a big city

I believe in the back left is a Volcano, not a mountain

A view of some houses as we approach the landing strip

Touching down in Guatemala!!!

They don't really have sky scrapers but they do have tall buildings

This was in the middle of a rotary and looked really cool.  Also, notice the gorgeous sky.

This used to be a military school.  It is still used by the school but is now more of an administration building and no longer houses the students.

More to come soon!  Keep following us on our trip and let us know in the comments section what you think or what you would like to see more of.

1 comment:

  1. very cool. Can't wait to see your pictures from the city and tikal :)
